5 Plum trees The plum trees are all doing well, except for one plum tree that hardly has any leaves anymore, as you can see in the third image below My largest plum tree that you can see in the 2 images below is doing very well. It is very tall and it's trunk is very thick. It has two main branches that are very tall: This plum tree below has very skinny and small roots. All of its leaves on top are gone too. It only has one green leaf left at the bottom. It might end up dying, but I'm going to try and revive it, so I'll do that by keeping it inside where it is warm: This plum tree below is very healthy with a couple branches growing: This plum tree below had spidermites, so it lost leaves and then grew smaller leaves when the spidermites were gone, so that is why it has smaller sized leaves. Its main stem is also bumpy and skinny looking too, but it is doing good: This plum tree below has multiple branches and is growing up tall and heal...