Avocado trees, cherry trees, and heirloom plum melons update!!!

3 Avocado Trees

This avocado tree below is the newest addition to my avocado tree collection, and it is growing straight and tall. It already has a bunch of tiny leaves growing on top. I still need to pull out the toothpicks that are stuck tight in its seed:

The leaves on this avocado tree below are green and healthy. They have grown a little bigger too:

I replanted this avocado tree below in a new pot recently. It has tiny leaves on top that do not seem to be growing too well, but its large leaves are healthy and green:

The cherry trees are growing really well!!:) Because it is getting cold at night, I bring them inside, so they don't freeze, but I bring them in the sun during the day because it is warm during the day:

The plum melons have grown bigger since the last time I updated, as you can see in the images below:

The green stripes are not as strong on this plum melon below, but it is still growing well:

This plum melon in the image below is growing on top of the dirt inside the pot: 

Thank you for viewing!!!:)


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