Update on avocado trees and heirloom plum melons!

3 Avocado Trees
The avocado trees are receiving lots of sunlight because I take them outside in the sun during the day and give them more sunlight through the window when I take them inside. 

The leaves of this avocado tree in the image below are healthy and have grown bigger since the last time I updated: 

This avocado tree in the image below is staying short. Its leaves are green but they are turning brown on the ends, which can't be good. I'm planning to spray it with fungicide:

This avocado tree below is growing a new set of leaves on top. It is doing well:

Heirloom Plum Melons
Next year, I am planning to grow the plum melons in springtime instead of summer time. I grew them too late in the summer and so they are still trying to grow when it is cold at night. The leaves are not very healthy too. Besides that fact, there are plum melons that are smelling of sweet fruity melon on the vine now! It is a strong pleasant smell:) 
In the images below, there are melons of orange and yellow color, melons of green color, and even melons turning brown which can't be good...

The melon on the right is my most ripest darkest orange striped plum melon and it smells so strongly of the sweet fruity melon scent:)

This plum melon below might be turning brown:

This plum melon below is in the process of turning orange and yellow:

This plum melon below is almost done. I might wait to pick it til to see if its stripes get darker:

These two melons below are still pretty young. They are growing on and over the dirt in the pot:

In the image below, the melon on the right is turning an ugly brown color:

There are two melons with orange stripes and one melon that might turn orange or brown:

These melons below have dark green stripes. They are of medium size:

This plum melon is so young still. It may or may not make it this year:

Thank you for viewing!!!


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