Update on ripening heirloom plum melons, 3 avocado trees, and date trees!

Heirloom Plum Melons
There are 3 heirloom plum melons that have or are in the transition of turning yellow and orange, as you can see in the images below:

This plum melon below has changed completely from green to orange and yellow:

This melon below is in the transition of becoming yellow and orange: 

The green stripes on this melon below are fading and it is becoming yellow and orange: 

3 Avocado Trees
I am bringing the avocado trees outside when it is sunny and warm during the day. I bring them inside when it gets cold. I then let them receive more sunlight through the window: 

I replanted this avocado tree below in a larger pot because its root is long, thick, and big. Its leaves are getting bigger too and its stem is thick and healthy:

I am bringing the date trees outside when it is sunny and warm. I then bring them inside and let them receive more sunlight through the window. Some of the date trees already have 4 leaves!:

This date tree below has lost life in 1 1/2 of its stems. It still has one new leaf with life and half a leaf with life though, so it might live:

There are 2 date trees growing together in this pot below. I tried to separate them and put them in different pots, but their roots are entwined too much to do so: 

Thank you for viewing another update!!!


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