
Showing posts from October, 2017

My experience in buying plum and black cherry seeds from Chinese sellers on eBay!

I bought black cherry seeds and bonsai plum seeds that sellers from China were selling on eBay. They looked like this(both black cherry and plum seeds came in a small ziplock bag and the seeds looked like this.) This is what the seed inside the pit looked like. I used the same method of growing these fruit seeds like I did for my other fruit trees by germinating them in the fridge first and taking the skins off of them when the skins became soft enough.  I then planted the seeds in soil maybe 3-4 weeks later. When I tried to look for them in the soil to see if any germination had happened, they had DISAPPEARED. I believe the seeds were FAKE and so they just dissolved in the soil which is why I couldn't find them. So now I will not buy seeds from Chinese sellers on eBay anymore. It is so much better to buy seeds from the grocery store and if you decide to buy online, buy from American, Canadian, and South American sellers on eBay who sell fruit seeds...

UPDATES on all of my growing plum sprouts!!

PICTURES OF PLUM SPROUTS! Fastest growing plum sprouts!


I replanted the red cherry sprouts Each cherry sprout has its own container now!!!:) NINE big fuji APPLE SEEDS have GERMINATED!!!!:) I planted them in their own container with soil because they have germinated! I will update and show you when the sprouts pop out of the ground, which shouldn't take long!!!:) How to get fuji seeds to germinate: The fuji apple seeds that I got out of a very LARGE apple at the store, I buried in paper towel with water and a small percentage of hydrogen peroxide(hydrogen peroxide for a big bottle only costs around $2. It helps control mold and helps the seeds germinate faster). I then put the seeds in a ziplock bag and then into a dark container in the fridge! The seeds were in the fridge for maybe 2-3 weeks before they germinated!

New fruit sprouts growing!! And more pictures!

Five new plums! (I will have 9 plum sprouts once these 5 new sprouts, sprout!) New cherry  A new cherry sprout poking out of the dirt and opening its sides! Apricot sprout  It is growing taller and the leaves are getting bigger! Another date sprout I have 15 date sprouts now! The plum sprouts I wanted to show their growth! Cherry sprouts There are 4 sprouts in total that have green sprouts growing! 4 of the 15 date sprouts! Their leaves are widening and growing taller Peach sprouts! Red delicious apple sprout The leaves at the bottom are still small and curled, so who knows what will befall it! It is growing a stem in between its larger leaves, so it could still be growing! Two pink lady sprouts that share a container

NEW PLUMS poking out of the dirt, and pictures of growing PLUM and CHERRY SPROUTS!

First two images are of new plums, California plums, opening their sides and poking out of the dirt! I'll have 6 plums sprouting once these 2 plums grow their sprouts in between their sides! 2 images of different red cherry sprouts  growing while their leaves are getting bigger! 2 VERY BEAUTIFUL PLUM sprouts growing up so well!!!

All of the dates, peaches, pink ladies, cherries, plums, and red delicious tree sprouts that have SPROUTED!:)

14 date tree sprouts in total! 7 peach tree sprouts in total! 5-6 pink lady tree sprouts in total! (two sprouts are in a container together and one sprout is very tiny and I think it will die, so really I have 5 sprouts! 3 red cherry tree sprouts and 3 other cherry seeds which have sort of started to sprouting! 4 plum sprouts in total! 4 red delicious apple tree sprouts in total!

More updates. The sprouts are continuing to grow!

Plum Sprouts A closer look at the apricot sprout! Peach sprout Growing Pink Lady sprout Red delicious sprout(the bottom leaves on this sprout are curling in... I hope it survives!) Cherry sprouts! (The first image is of a red cherry sprout and the second image is of two red cherries in the same container, one of which is my fastest grower!)

SOME MORE UPDATES! Plum sprouts and the NEW much LARGER CONTAINER for my apricot sprout with the apricot sprout in it.

This first image is of the two plum sprouts from California I bought at the grocery store in Washington State! This beautiful image  is of the two plum sprouts from my grandmother's plum tree! This image shows my apricot sprout! I named the sprout Leo the apricot tree . He is still a little sprout though:) but I hope he becomes a tree! I named him Leo , after my great-grandfather, who lived on the land where the apricot tree of this sprout came from. (Leo my great-grandfather might have even planted the apricot tree this sprout came from, but I'm not so sure yet:)) This apricot sprout was getting too tall for its other container, so I transplanted the sprout into this large green container I bought at the dollar store:). You can see his name badge on the container!:) I poked 4 holes in the bottom for drainage using a pointed screwdriver. I filled the pot with normal potting soil.

MORE updates, and a lesson I learned from this whole germinating seed experience!:)

This image is of a green sprout growing in between red cherry seed sides! This is my fastest growing cherry sprout!:) This plant is my fastest growing date sprout! It's leaf is growing taller!:) This picture is of a cherry tree seed that fell apart. The sides are no longer connected. From experience in trying to germinate this and other fruit tree seed sides that have fallen apart, they have not grown very well. The sides turned green, but then they ended up failing in their growth. So they don't germinate at all! I'll have to throw away all the seeds that have fallen apart. I had an apricot seed that was germinating, but from handling it when I wanted to examine it, the sides fell apart from each other; that apricot ended up failing in its germination, which saddened me greatly:(  I do have an apricot seed sprout though, so it was worth the trouble in the end with all the difficulty I had to get at least 1 sprout. So, I would suggest you handle your seeds w...

My fastest growing plum seed and cherries!

SEE this!!! Literally all of my red cherry tree seeds(The ones with the sides that didn't split in half but stayed together & the ones I got out of cherry fruit from a normal grocery store) are GERMINATING AND the seeds are turning green!!!!:):) ( there four cherries germinating in this image, and there are more containers of cherries that have cherries germinating in them too! ) SEE this one too!!!:) My fastest growing plum seed, in this image, is one I got out of the fruit that came from my grandmother's plum tree. This seed was in the fridge for a long time. Literally all of my plum seeds are germinating . It makes me so happy. It is so fun and exciting to grow fruit trees from seed, I definitely recommend doing it!!!!:):)