
Showing posts from May, 2018

UPDATE on cherry tree and all the fruit trees!

Cherry Its new leaves are continuing to grow! All FRUIT TREES All of my fruit trees are  outside enjoying the real sun! 8 dates and 1 pink lady apple tree: 5 apples/pears, 6 grapefruit, and 2 lemon trees:  4 date trees:  Cherry and apricot fruit tree: 5 peaches, 6 pomegranates, 5 plums, 4 apple/pears, and 2 grapefruit trees:  As you can see in the image right above, a lot of my fruit trees are on the left side of the porch(The porch faces east). I noticed the fruit trees grow really well and are really healthy on the left side of the porch compared to the right side of the porch which is where the  fruit trees weren't growing as good and they were getting sunburnt super easily because they were getting tons of sun. I moved the fruit trees that were on the right side over to the left side of the porch so they will grow better too.  I kept 8 of my date trees on the right side of the porch though to get lots ...

Update on growing CHERRY fruit tree!

CHERRY It's biggest leaves are so large! It is growing 3 new leaves too! This image below is a close up of the 3 new leaves growing(2 on the sides and a smaller new leaf growing in the middle):   This image below shows the 2 older leaves on the bottom and then 2 small new leaves above the older leaves: Thank you for viewing!!!!

UPDATE on 6 pomegranate fruit trees!

6 POMEGRANATES 5 of the 6 pomegranate trees are outside. They are outside during the night too. It gets down in the upper and lower 50s at night.  This pomegranate tree below is doing good. It does look funky with leaves in different directions though. This pomegranate tree below is a shorter pomegranate tree and is doing well outside: This pomegranate tree below is also doing well: This pomegranate tree below has healthy leaves and is my second tallest pomegranate fruit tree: This pomegranate tree below is a shorter tree and it is doing okay. 3-4 of its leaves are curled in. It has a shoot with leaves on it too: This pomegranate tree below is my tallest. I am using a green and orange straw to help it stand up. It kept getting spidermites when it was outside so I brought it inside to give it a break from pests. It seems to be getting taller! Thank you for viewing!

UPDATE on pears, apples, plum, and cherry fruit tree sprouts!

8 pears/apples There is a lot of fungi on these fruit trees which I have put copper soap on. They are growing taller with more leaves even with the fungi though which is good. Some of these fruit trees have powdery mildew fungi which is going away because of the copper soap.  I think this one below is a pear fruit tree. It has a large black spot on the end of one of its leaves which is probably fungi: PLUM I updated on this plum tree just recently, but since then it has really grown a lot taller with more leaves! CHERRY The new leaves on this cherry fruit tree have grown so wide and big!:) Thank you for viewing another update!!!

Update on cherry fruit tree!

CHERRY 5 of the 6 new leaves on this cherry fruit tree are now bigger than its 2 older leaves! Even though it is a short cherry fruit tree, I feel the width of its leaves and stem shows how mature it is.  Thank you for viewing!

Plums and Peaches fruit trees update!

5 PLUMS The plum fruit trees(also all of my fruit trees except the apricot and cherry) are going outside and enjoying the sun, although some of them had way too much sun, as you can see in the images below. This plum fruit tree is good. Some of its leaves are turning a little red, so it may need copper soap to stop the fungi from continuing to spread: This plum tree below is doing really good. New leaves are growing in three different places. It is a beautiful looking plum tree: This plum tree below is recovering from too much sun. Two of its leaves were sunburnt from getting too much sun outside as you can see in the second image below: This plum tree is doing okay. Its new leaf is a little red so it needs copper soap because of fungi: This plum tree is doing good and enjoying being outside: 5 PEACHES Some of the 5 peaches leaves are sunburnt, so parts of their leaves are white. Their other leaves look healthy though and the peach frui...

Cherry and apricot update!!!

CHERRY The 6 new leaves on the cherry fruit tree are continuing to grow and they are growing healthy! APRICOT No more new leaves are growing and its baby leaves haven't been showing anymore growth. They are still green and healthy though. Thank you for viewing!!!

Cherry fruit tree UPDATE!

CHERRY As you can see below, the leaves on the cherry fruit tree are growing really fast, and there are a lot of leaves growing too! It is growing so well!!! Thank you for viewing this new update!

Cherry UPDATE!

CHERRY This cherry tree is finally growing new leaves in the middle! They are a little red from a fungi though, but I sprayed them with copper soap so they will probably be fine!  I plucked off 2 of its bigger leaves(One had a hole in it and the other had red fungi all over it) so that is why it is finally growing new leaves:)

Apricot update

APRICOT The new leaf has grown a lot bigger:) Although it has grown bigger, it is curling up a little.  Thank you for viewing!!!

Pink Lady and Big Fuji Apple fruit tree sprouts!

3 Big Fuji Apples This apple fruit tree sprout below is growing really large leaves!   It is a very healthy growing fruit tree sprout! This one below has healthy leaves and a thick stem:)   This one below is doing well because its leaves are green. Its leaves are growing big too. The leaf in the front is growing long and big:) 3 Pink Lady Apple fruit tree sprouts This one below is doing good. It is growing new leaves.  The stem is really thin at the bottom and it is trying to support everything on top, so I covered around the thin stem with plastic so its stem can thicken up better: This one below is doing good, although it hasn't grown a lot of new leaves: This one below is growing a new leaf/leaves in the center: Thank you for viewing!!