Pink Lady and Big Fuji Apple fruit tree sprouts!

3 Big Fuji Apples

This apple fruit tree sprout below is growing really large leaves!  It is a very healthy growing fruit tree sprout!

This one below has healthy leaves and a thick stem:) 

This one below is doing well because its leaves are green. Its leaves are growing big too. The leaf in the front is growing long and big:)

3 Pink Lady Apple fruit tree sprouts

This one below is doing good. It is growing new leaves. 

The stem is really thin at the bottom and it is trying to support everything on top, so I covered around the thin stem with plastic so its stem can thicken up better:

This one below is doing good, although it hasn't grown a lot of new leaves:

This one below is growing a new leaf/leaves in the center:

Thank you for viewing!!


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