Plums and Peaches fruit trees update!

The plum fruit trees(also all of my fruit trees except the apricot and cherry) are going outside and enjoying the sun, although some of them had way too much sun, as you can see in the images below.

This plum fruit tree is good. Some of its leaves are turning a little red, so it may need copper soap to stop the fungi from continuing to spread:

This plum tree below is doing really good. New leaves are growing in three different places. It is a beautiful looking plum tree:

This plum tree below is recovering from too much sun.
Two of its leaves were sunburnt from getting too much sun outside as you can see in the second image below:

This plum tree is doing okay. Its new leaf is a little red so it needs copper soap because of fungi:

This plum tree is doing good and enjoying being outside:

Some of the 5 peaches leaves are sunburnt, so parts of their leaves are white. Their other leaves look healthy though and the peach fruit trees are really enjoying going outside, except when they get too much sun:

A few of this peach fruit tree's leaves are white from sunburnt:

This peach tree is growing a new stem and leaf(s). It hasn't gotten sunburnt.

This peach tree below is really healthy. Its leaves have a pretty green color from getting natural sunlight outside. It does have a sunburnt on one of its leaves though:

Some things that happen when I take my fruit trees outside are I have to put insectical soap on the fruit trees leaves more often because they are outside and receive more pests.
Also, from being outside they receive more fungi than being inside, so I have to put more copper soap on their leaves.
And another thing from being outside is that their leaves get damaged from the sun, so I have to make sure they don't receive too much sun so they won't die. 

Even though the fruit trees have sunburnt damage, fungi, and more pests outside, the leaves on a lot of them are growing a pretty green color from natural sunlight. They are also growing more stems and leaves.  

Thank you for viewing!!!


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