Update on 3 honey mesquite trees, 7 citrus trees, 11 date trees, and 4 avocado trees!

3 honey mesquite trees
I am growing the honey mesquite trees under small grow lights now, which is helping them grow more leaves, as you can see in the images below:

This honey mesquite tree below is doing well with lots of leaves on its branch:

This honey mesquite tree below has grown more leaves, so it now has about 5 leaves:

This honey mesquite tree used to have one large leaf, but there are now two more leaves at the top of its branch and more leaves growing a little lower on its branch, as you can see in the image below:

7 citrus trees
Only one of my citrus trees is doing really good which is the one in the first image below; it is very green with long branches:

The rest of my 6 citrus trees have been struggling with spider mites unfortunately, and so I might have lost a few of them as you can see in the images below, and they will be the ones with no leaves on their branches, or they will be the ones that have lost green color in their leaves, which happens because the spider mites suck out their nutrients. I tried washing away the spider mites a while ago and I thought they were gone, but I was wrong. Now though, they are being very well cared for, so hopefully they will become healthier. They used to be in the window seal in the greenhouse which might have been to cold for them in the middle of winter in Utah, but now they are not in the window seal so they won't be so cold. They also have grow lights to help them get enough light to grow better now, so hopefully they will get better:

This citrus tree below still has leaves but some of them are turning brown:

I sprayed this drooping citrus tree below with water to help it stay wet so the spider mites might go away, which I'm not sure will help or not:

This poor citrus tree might be dead, because it lost all of its leaves. It doesn't have a fully green branch anymore too, so it's probably dying:

This citrus tree below has lost its leaves too but its branch is still green:

This citrus tree below still has leaves, but they are losing their green color:

This citrus tree below doesn't look good at all and it's leaves are dead:

11 date trees
Even during the winter in Utah, and being in the window seal, these date trees are doing really well, except for the smallest one whose leaves are turning brown at the tips as you can see in the second image below. Also you can see that more of the date trees have fanned out their leaves. The ones with leaves that have been fanned out for a while now have grown a lot taller too:

This date tree below has fanned out one or more of its leaves:

This date tree needs more water or something because its leaves are turning brown:

This date tree has fanned out one or more of its leaves, and looks pretty:

This date tree hasn't fanned out all of its leaves yet, but is healthy:

This date tree is healthy with one or more fanned out leaves:

This date tree below is growing taller and it already has a lot of its leaves fanned out:

There are actually two date trees in this one pot below, and they are healthy and beginning to fan out some of their leaves:

This date tree below has grown a lot taller now with fanned out leaves:

This date tree below hasn't fanned out its leaves yet:

This date tree below is healthy and green, but hasn't fanned out all of its leaves yet:

This date tree below has fanned out some of its leaves and has grown taller:

4 avocado trees
This avocado tree below is getting to be as tall as I am, and I am 5' 6", so it is doing amazingly well. It has five branches on top growing all around its main branch, with large leaves growing on all of them. The branch a little lower on its main branch sticking out to the side is starting a new growth of new leaves as you can see in the second and third image below. This avocado tree is the kind of avocado tree that grow really large avocados, so it will grow those in the future if it gets the chance:

This image below shows the five branches at the top of its main branch:

These two images show the other side branch that is starting a new set of leaves:

This image below shows the height of this avocado tree:

This is my second largest avocado tree below and it is doing really well. It has large leaves, especially large leaves at the top of its branch and it is beginning to grow a new set of  leaves at the top of its branch. Its main branch is a little curvy, especially at the bottom, because its always leaning towards the sun which has caused its branch to be curvy:

This avocado tree below has new leaves growing at the top of its branch. It is very healthy too and it is quite tall for being the last avocado tree I germinated:

This is the stubby short avocado tree below and it has been growing extremely slow forever, but since I started using a small grow light to help it grow, which I only started using about 2 days ago, it finally began to grow a new set of leaves  at the top of its branch, which I didn't expect to happen because I'm only using a small grow light instead of a full size grow light bulb. I underestimated the power of small grow lights. Before it was using a large grow light bulb and was hardly growing, but now it is growing well, so that's a surprise:

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