Update on 4 honey mesquite trees!

4 honey mesquite trees

This honey mesquite tree below only has 1 large leaf and a couple tiny leaves that haven’t developed into bigger leaves  yet:

This honey mesquite tree below has 9 leaves. I’m hoping that when all of these honey mesquite trees go outside during the summer they’ll grow a lot faster because it worries me how slow they’re growing inside now because when they grow slow like they are now doing,  pests can easily take them down faster, which luckily hasn’t happened yet. They actually haven’t had any spider mites get to them since they started growing which is fortunate. The spider mites took down the previous honey mesquite trees I tried growing last time which caused me to think they would take down these ones too which hasn’t happened at all:

This honey mesquite tree has 4 big leaves and 3 small leaves growing on its branch as you can see in the image below:

Thank you for viewing!!


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