Update on 4 honey mesquite trees, 2 plum trees, 4 apple trees, 6 pear trees, apricot tree, 2 cherry trees, and 3 peach trees!

4 honey mesquite trees
This honey mesquite tree below has grown the most because it has 3 leaves already. (2 leaves that are growing on one branch and 1 leaf growing on another branch):

These 3 honey mesquite trees are beginning to grow more leaves like the first one:

2 plum trees
These two plum trees below lost their leaves for the winter. I’m planning to keep them outside through the winter and I'm also planning to keep the apple trees, pear trees, apricot tree, cherry trees, and peach trees outside during the winter too. I just hope they can make it through the bitter winter cold:

4 apple trees
My 2 tallest apple trees still have leaves on their branches as you can see in the 2 images below:

This apple tree has red leaves:

This apple tree below lost its leaves for the winter:

This apple tree below also lost most of its leaves for the winter too:

Pear trees
Most of the pear trees below still have leaves on their branches, but the first pear tree below lost all of its leaves and so it looks like a little twig with a curly root at the bottom. The leaves in its white container come from full grown trees and maybe a few of those leaves come from this pear tree:

This pear tree hasn't lost its leaves yet:

This pear tree below also has leaves on its branches still:

This is another pear tree that hasn't lost its leaves yet:

This pear tree below also has leaves on its branches:

This pear tree below has red and black leaves which might be fungi. I sprayed the leaves of the pear trees late in the fall, but the fungi didn't go away and I should have sprayed their leaves again but I didn't and so I might lose a few pear trees :

Apricot tree
The leaves on this apricot tree below were dried up and dead, and so I took them off of its branches really easily:

2 cherry trees
In the first image below is my oldest cherry tree. It too had dried up leaves on its branches that came off really easily:

I think this is a cherry tree below. It still has leaves on its small branch:

3 peach trees
These peach trees below have no leaves on their branches:

I'm guessing this is a peach tree below, but I'm not 100% sure it is:

Thank you for viewing!:)


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