Update on 4 apple trees, 2 plum trees, 7 pear trees, and 1 cherry tree!

4 apple trees
This is my tallest apple tree below and it has a new branch growing.
 The branch on the bottom has grown really tall this summer, as you can see in the second image below: 

This is my second tallest apple tree below and most of its leaves grow on top:

This apple tree below has smaller leaves and has multiple branches growing:

This apple tree below has suffered from a rusty colored fungi that I sprayed with copper soap and I'll have to spray it again:

2 plum trees
These two plum trees below are very healthy, full of green leaves. I ended up tossing the tallest plum tree away because it looked dead:

7 pear trees
These 7 pear trees below are growing well, although some of them are growing sideways which might be caused by their roots sticking out:

Cherry tree
This cherry tree below looks healthy and its roots have grown bigger as you can see in the image below:

Thank you for viewing!!!!


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