Update on cherry tree, pear tree, heirloom plum melons, and yellow canary melons!

Cherry tree
The cherry tree is doing really well and doesn't have a dangerous problem with spider mites. It also has 4 leaves right now:

Pear tree
The pear tree is doing good! It has around 8 leaves now. I'll probably spray it with fungicide because some of its leaves have light brown and dark gray fungi on them:

Heirloom plum melons
The vines are growing really well! One of them died though, so now I have 5 vines instead of 6 vines:

Yellow canary melons
The two normal looking vines I used to have ended up dying, and you can see one of them on the right side in the image below.
The other vine that looks really different never died from all the hard rain and cold we had in Washington, and so it is healthy and green and it is growing really well. You can see that one on the left side of the image below. 
I don't know if that one will grow yellow canary melons or grow some different kind of melon instead. I'm kind of curious to see what will grow:

Thank you for viewing!!!


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