Update on 6 pomegranate trees, 3 plum trees, and 3 peach trees:

6 Pomegranate trees
The pomegranate trees have adjusted to being outside.

This pomegranate tree has lots of leaves and it leans over the railing, so that is why it is leaning over in the image below:

This pomegranate tree below has less leaves, but is doing well because it is outside:

This pomegranate tree is doing well outside:

This pomegranate tree also leans over the railing so that's why it is leaning over in the image below:

This pomegranate tree lost a lot of leaves before, but luckily it is growing lots of new branches with new leaves all over its older empty branches:

This pomegranate tree lost all of its older leaves too, but luckily it is growing new branches and new leaves on some of its older branches:

3 Plum Trees
Two of the plum trees are still alive and growing new leaves, but the third plum tree which also happens to be my tallest plum tree, hasn't grown any new leaves yet:

This plum tree below has a lot of new healthy leaves:


This plum tree below has new smaller leaves growing on its branches:

This plum tree below has no leaves:

3 Peach trees
The three peach trees have been outside for a while now:

This peach tree below has droopy leaves which I can't understand why. It might be getting too much water:

Even though this peach tree below has a lot of dead branches, it is growing new leaves at the bottom of its branch:

This peach tree below has new leaves growing:

Thank you for viewing!!!!


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