Heirloom plum melons, 2 cherry trees, apricot tree, pear tree, and 7 citrus trees update!

Heirloom Plum Melons
The vines and leaves of the heirloom plum melons are continuing to grow bigger and taller:

 Two Cherry Trees
The cherry tree right below is finally growing a new leaf, as you can see in the second image below:


This other cherry tree below is doing okay. Some of its leaves are turning brown, so it will need to be sprayed again:

Apricot tree
The apricot tree below is doing really well. It did have weird bugs on it though, so I got rid of them and I will be keeping a look out for them if they come again. 
The apricot tree also has healthy green leaves and it's growing new leaves on its tallest branch:

Pear tree
The pear tree below is doing okay. It's leaves look a bit damaged, so it may need some pesticide spray:

Seven Citrus Trees
All of the citrus trees are doing really well because they are growing taller and their leaves are green and healthy, as you can see in the seven images below:

Thank you for viewing!


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