Update on apricot tree, cherry tree, 2 pear trees, 3 yellow canary melons, and 6 heirloom plum melons!

Apricot tree
The apricot tree has grown leaves on 4 of its newer branches, as you can see in the 2 images below:


There are new leaves starting to grow on the apricot's older branch, as you can see in the image below:

Cherry Tree
The cherry tree hasn't grown any new leaves since the last time, as you can see in the image below:

2 Pear trees
The pear tree on the left has dead leaves, so I might pluck all of them off except one and see if it will grow new leaves. 
The pear tree on the right has grown 8 leaves and it is pretty healthy. There might be a bit of powdery mildew fungi on its leaves, but it isn't too bad:

3 Yellow Canary melons:
Two of the canary melon vines are growing more leaves, as you can see in the image below. There is one with smaller leaves in the image too and I'm not sure if it is a yellow canary melon because its leaves are so small:

6 Heirloom Plum melons
There are two heirloom plum melons in the image below that are growing more leaves:

There are 3 heirloom plum melons in the image below. Two are smaller and one is bigger:

There is one heirloom plum melon growing in the image below. It just recently germinated:

Thank you for viewing!!!


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