Update on the cherry tree, apricot tree, 4 pear trees, and honey mesquite tree!!

Cherry tree
No matter how much I sprayed the cherry tree this past winter, the spider mites kept coming back. 
I should have washed its leaves with water, but I didn't. The cherry tree has no leaves now, but I am hoping it will grow more:

Apricot tree
The apricot tree lost all of its old leaves from being sprayed and getting spider mites during the winter, but luckily it grew more leaves, as you can see in the 2 images below:

This is a close up photo of the apricot's leaves:

4 Pear trees
3 of the 7 pear trees that germinated died, so now I am left with 4 pear trees. 
 3 of the 4 pear trees won't stand up on their own because their branches are too long and skinny which causes them to fall over, or it is because they are becoming weak and will die soon.

This pear tree below had a seed shell stuck on it, stopping it from opening, and so I pulled it off. After it came off, it was able to receive light for all 4 leaves. It is a weak pear tree though because it won't stand up on its own. It is only standing up now because I piled dirt around it:

This pear tree below won't stand up on its own and its leaves have become droopy:

This pear tree is leaning against the side of the cup and it is growing its 5th and 6th leaf:

This pear tree below is also growing its 5th and 6th leaf:

Honey Mesquite Tree
The honey mesquite tree's root is growing so fast that it falls over easily.
It's leaves are not the healthiest because they are a little pale in their green color. It is still growing new branches with tiny leaves on them though:

Thank you for viewing!!!


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