Update on apple and pear trees!!!

Apple and pear trees
The apple and pear trees shown below have been pretty beat up by spider mites. There are only 4 apple/pear trees out of the 15 shown below that are mostly doing well.

This apple or pear tree below has green leaves on top. Luckily, it will receive plenty of sunlight today from being outside:

This apple tree below has three branches with leaves on them. These leaves have been badly beaten up by spider mites, because they are a bronze color:

This apple or pear tree below has mostly green leaves and a few leaves that are brown from fungi or spider mites:

This apple or pear tree below has really unhealthy leaves. Luckily, it will get lots of sunlight today, which will hopefully help it become healthier:

This apple or pear tree below has lost all of its leaves from fungi and probably spider mites too. If it grows more leaves, then it will make it, but if it doesn't, it might die:

This apple or pear tree below has a lot of green leaves on top of its two branches. It has an older brown dying leaf that I'll probably pluck off soon. It is doing pretty good:

The leaves on this apple or pear tree below have turned brown from spider mites or fungi. It is doing alright:

This apple or pear tree below is my healthiest because it has tons of green leaves. It has suffered from white powdery fungi or mildew in the past, but after spraying it, it didn't suffer anymore. 
Also, it has recently suffered from spider mites, so I will be dealing with them now until they are gone:

This is my tallest apple tree below. It still hasn't grown any new leaves yet. I am still hoping it will:

These apple/pear trees below have really suffered badly from spider mites, mostly because they are so young. I might have to throw them away if they don't grow anything during the spring time:

Thank you for viewing!!!


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