Update on 7 pear trees and honey mesquite tree!

7 Pear Trees
3 of the 7 pear trees are doing really well because they have four leaves now, as you can see in the 3 images below:

This pear tree below still has a seed shell on it, which might be keeping it from opening and growing properly:

This pear tree below looks like it might die because there is black on its leaves:

I think that this pear tree below has already died because its stem turned brown and it isn't standing up anymore:

This pear tree lost its stem after its stem turned brown. I 'm pretty sure it won't grow anymore:

Honey Mesquite Tree
The honey mesquite tree is doing really well! It  has 7 branches with tiny leaves now and it has 2 more branches starting to grow:

Thank you for viewing!!!


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