Update on 3 plum trees and 4 peach trees!

3 Plum Trees
Two of the three plum trees made it through winter with out losing all of their leaves from spider mites.

In the image below is the largest plum tree and you can blame me for it not having anymore leaves. 
During the cold winter month, when it was just beginning to get spider mites, I took it outside to spray it. I didn't think the green leaves would die from the cold, but they did and after all of its healthy green leaves died, it began growing more leaves, but they were quickly eaten up by spider mites so now it is leafless:

This plum tree below has leaves but it currently has spider mites too, so its leaves are losing the green color they once had and becoming white. I'll spray it again, even though I just sprayed it 2-3 days ago for spider mites:

This plum tree below is also dealing with spider mites, so I'll have to spray it again:

4 Peach Trees
The peach trees are the spider mites favorite, it seems. They have been dealing with the nasty creatures since the very beginning of winter and most of them have branches that have died. Some only have a couple of leaves left. 

This peach tree below was lucky because it didn't deal with spider mites, so it has a lot of leaves left on its branches:

This peach tree below had lots of trouble with spider mites and only has a few leaves left on its branches:

This peach tree below dealt heavily with spider mites too. It only has a few leaves left growing at the bottom of its branch. A lot of the empty branches look like they are dead from being eaten up by spider mites too:

This peach tree below is the saddest one of all. It doesn't have any green leaves on its branches anymore:

Thank you for viewing!


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