Update and 4 pear trees and honey mesquite tree!

4 Pear trees
Two of the four pear trees aren't doing well. The other two are doing well and have six leaves now, as you can see in the 4 images below:

This pear tree below won't stand up anymore. It is probably dying:

This pear tree has a browning branch like the one above it, so it is probably dying:

This pear tree below is doing really well. It is getting lots of sun today because it is outside:

This pear tree below has a long stem and has healthy green leaves. It is doing well:

Honey Mesquite tree
The honey mesquite tree isn't doing well because it's leaves have drooped. I washed it with water and sprayed with pesticide to help it, but I think it is too late. I will keep it under a grow light to see if it gets better:

Thank you for viewing!!


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