Update on 6 pomegranate trees, 7 citrus trees, and 1 apple tree!

6 Pomegranate Trees
This pomegranate tree below has healthy green leaves:

This pomegranate tree below has grown taller and has healthy green leaves:

This pomegranate tree has healthy green leaves:

This pomegranate tree below also has healthy green leaves:

This pomegranate tree below is one of my tallest pomegranate trees. It lost its leaves on the bottom half of its branch, but it still has healthy leaves on the upper part of its branches. I think it lost its bottom leaves for winter so it might grow some new ones, eventually:

This pomegranate tree below is also one of my tallest pomegranate trees. It lost a lot of leaves on the bottom half of its branches but it still has healthy leaves on the upper part of its branches:

7 Citrus Trees
These 5 different citrus trees below could either be a grapefruit tree or a lemon tree. They are all doing well, but growing really slowly:

This lemon or grapefruit tree below has more than one branch growing:

This lemon or grapefruit tree below has healthy green pointy leaves:

This lemon or grapefruit tree below has yellow and green leaves, and so it isn't the healthiest citrus tree:

These 2 different citrus trees below are key lime trees. They are doing well, but growing really slowly:

Apple Tree
This apple tree below has long leaves growing at the top of its branch. This apple tree was one of the 6 apple or pear trees that hadn't grown any new leaves yet, but started to grow new leaves just a couple days ago:

Thank you for viewing!!!


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