Large update on 26 fruit trees!!!!

Fruit trees
Most of the fruit trees are growing new leaves. There are 6 of the fruit trees, most of which are apple trees, that have not grown leaves yet though.

Plum Tree
This plum tree below is growing a lot of new leaves as you can see in the next 3 images below. It is also the tallest fruit tree I have that I grew from seed:

4 Plum Trees

This plum tree below was covered in spider mites' webs and eggs, and so I sprayed it yesterday with insecticide. This plum tree had a spider mite infestation last summer too, and so its stem looks rough and skinny. It is not a very healthy plum tree, but at least it is growing new leaves:

I think this fruit tree in the image below is a plum tree, but it could be a peach tree too, I am not sure. Whatever this fruit tree below is, its new leaves are growing well:

This plum tree below is doing really well. It already has tons of new leaves growing on its multiple branches:

This plum tree below lost all its leaves a while ago and it hasn't grown any new leaves for a long time, so I think it is dead:

All of these apple and pear trees in the images below are growing new leaves:

This apple tree below is doing really well. It never lost its leaves for the winter and it is growing new leaves at the top of its branch:

These 4 peach trees in the images below are continuing to grow new leaves:

This peach tree below has a lot of new leaves, but its leaves are droopy. I gave it a good watering yesterday, so hopefully it perks up:

This cherry tree below is starting to grow leaves at the top of its stem:

I replanted this cherry tree below into a different pot because its stem is really tall now:

Apricot Tree
The apricot tree's leaves are continuing to grow:

These 6 apple/pear trees have not grown any new leaves yet. If they don't grow any new leaves, they might have died:

This apple/pear tree below looks really skinny and might have died since it is not growing any new leaves:

I am worried that this apple tree below is dead because it has fungi or mold growing at the top of its branch and other parts of its branch. I sprayed it with copper soap though so it might survive. This apple tree was my tallest apple tree so it will be sad if it really died.

Thank you for viewing!!!


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