UPDATE on Heirloom Plum Melons, cherry fruit tree sprouts, and apricot tree!!!

Heirloom Plum Melons

The vines are continuing to get longer! There are plum melon fruits growing on the vines too, as you can see in the second, third, and fourth images below:

This Heirloom Plum melon fruit has stripes and is very plump and round:

This Heirloom Plum melon fruit below is getting its stripes:

This Heirloom Plum Melon Fruit below is rounding out, but doesn't have its stripes yet:

There are tons of yellow flowers growing on the Heirloom Plum Melon vines too:


4 Rainier Cherry Trees
They are continuing to grow taller:

6 Great Northern Sweet Cherry Fruit Trees:
They are all growing well. Their leaves are healthy and green:

This older cherry tree is doing well! Its trunk is pretty thick and it is starting to grow a new stem too:

The apricot fruit tree is actually doing well living outside. it has new leaves growing on the branch. I sprayed it with fungicide to make sure it doesn't get too buggy too:

Thank you for viewing another update!!!


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