UPDATE on HEIRLOOM plum melons and apple/pear trees!!
7 HEIRLOOM PLUM MELONS There are 7 different heirloom plum melons below. They are continuing to grow and turn into tiny watermelons! Their stripes become darker as they grow: There are 2 different heirloom plum melons in the image below. One has lighter stripes and the other has dark stripes and is rounder: This yellow flower below is starting to grow into an heirloom plum melon: APPLE or PEAR TREES These tiny trees are doing alright. There are some that have a lot of fungi on them, and so I make sure to spray fungicide on them to help cure them of it. I replanted this apple/pear tree below in a larger pot because it has grown so tall: This apple/pear tree below is tall and doing well. Its stem is getting thicker: The 4 large leaves on this apple/pear tree below are an ugly red color from fungi. I plucked off its older leaves because they died. It is lucky to have grown more leaves: This one below is also getting tall and doing ...