UPDATE on lemon and grapefruit tree sprouts!

These lemon fruit tree sprouts have grown new leaves, but are still slow growers, although being outside has helped them grow a little faster:)

This lemon fruit tree below has the smooth and bumpy leaves. 2 of its leaves are yellow, which shows it isn't as healthy as it should be.

The grapefruit tree sprouts are doing pretty good for the most part. A lot of them have yellow leaves though.

This grapefruit tree sprout below grew another stem and leaves beside its original plant:

This grapefruit tree sprout below is my smallest one and it doing well:

This grapefruit tree sprout below is one of the healthiest because its leaves are green and not yellow:

This grapefruit tree sprout below is also very healthy because its leaves are green:

This grapefruit tree sprout below has very round leaves:

Thank you for viewing this update on 2 lemon fruit tree sprouts and 8 grapefruit tree sprouts!


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