Update on apples, pears, apricot, and cherry fruit trees!

15 apple/pear fruit trees
The apple fruit trees are actually doing really well, despite the fact that they struggle with fungi a lot. They are all growing taller and their stems are getting thicker:)

This image below shows one of the big fuji apple trees. And this big fuji apple tree is growing really tall! Its stem is thickening up too. It is now my tallest apple tree that I grew from seed:)

Another apple tree below, either a pink lady or big fuji:

Another apple tree below, either pink lady or big fuji:

Another apple tree below, either pink lady or big fuji:

This is a pink lady apple tree below. Its stem is very skinny at the base, so it is really struggling to stand up. I use the dirt to help it stay standing up.

Another apple tree below, either pink lady or big fuji:

And these are the younger sprouted apple or pear fruit trees. They have struggled horribly with fungi; some were super red and some have black spots. Some of them are getting better though, which is a surprise:

One of the apricot fruit tree's new leaves grew really large. The apricot tree is growing 2+ new leaves, as you can see in the image below:

This cherry fruit tree has about 10-11 leaves now. You can see some of those leaves in the image below. They are healthy and very large leaves: 

There may be more leaves that the cherry fruit tree will grow, as you can see in the image below:

Thank you for viewing!!!:)


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