UPDATE on new grapefruit fruit tree sprouts and date fruit tree sprouts!!!:)

I germinated more grapefruit seeds and they are growing pretty fast! They might catch up to my older grapefruit that are growing slower.

This grapefruit tree sprout below has a thick healthy stem and 2 leaves growing!

This grapefruit tree sprout below is growing the fastest. It has 4 leaves already. Its 2 biggest leaves look like hearts or they look like 2 leaves stuck together:

This grapefruit tree sprout below is my second fastest grower: 

This grapefruit tree sprout below has 4 leaves. Its 2 smallest leaves are skinny and the other 2 are rounder. 

This grapefruit tree sprout below is my slowest grower. It has the beginnings of 2 leaves growing. 

14 Date Fruit tree sprouts:
This date fruit tree sprout below is having a hard time. It shriveled up and turned hard, so I gave it more water and light to help it. 
Today I felt its leaf which felt less hard and more soft. Its leaf is also becoming more wide too instead of skinny and shriveled up, so I think the extra water and light are helping it stay alive!

The height of the taller leaf on this date fruit tree sprout below is about 13 inches tall. Its second leaf is about 10 inches long. It is doing really well:

There are 2 date fruit tree sprouts below and my tallest date tree of all of them is on the left. It is about 16 inches tall! Both date trees in this container below are very healthy:

Tallest leaf of this date tree below is 13 inches and  its second leaf is 11 inches. It is a twin to the other date tree in the other green container. There is one small difference though because its second leaf is 1 inch bigger than the other second leaf of the one in the other green container: 

I want to replant these 2 date fruit trees below, because I want to make it so they grow upwards instead of sideways. They are healthy besides the fact that they are growing sideways: 

In these 3 images below there are 2 different dates growing in each container, so 6 in total of the 3 containers. They are growing tall and healthy: 

This date fruit tree below is growing a taller twisted leaf and a smaller straight leaf. It too is growing healthy: 

Thank you for viewing!!!


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