APRICOT, grapefruit, lemon, and little pear and apple fruit tree sprouts!

Another leaf is growing so now it has 5 leaves! It could have had 6 leaves but it doesn't because one of its leaves turned white and died. 

5 Grapefruit
The leaves on some of these newly germinated grapefruit are growing really big!

This one below has large leaves! 

This one below also has large leaves!

The leaves on this one are growing super big too!:)

4 older germinated Grapefruit
They are continuing to grow.

The largest yellow-green leaf of this one below is above the edge of the cup! 

The leaves are growing slowly on this grapefruit tree sprout below:

This one below is the slowest grower:

This one below has a yellow-green large leaf. I am planning to give all of my fruit tree more homemade fertilizer of  vegetable water from boiled vegetables. I think the fertiziler will help the plants receive more nutrition to grow.

2 Lemons
Both lemon fruit tree sprouts have yellow-green leaves that are getting bigger.

The large yellow-green smooth leaf on this one has grown a lot! 

They receive full sunlight and I spray them with water everyday. I also put plastic around their stems so their roots retain moisture more easily. Still though, their leaves and stems look unhealthy...

This is a pear fruit tree sprout below:

Thank you for viewing!!


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