Update on baby fruit trees!!!! (not including dates or recently germinated pear and apples, but everything else!)
This is a large update on my baby fruit trees. This update does not include the dates and recently germinated pears and apples though, but everything else!!!!
This peach tree below is so cute because if I forget to water it one day,(I spray my fruit trees with water everyday), every single one of its leaves will fall down. Once I water it, its leaves will perk up beautifully like you can see in the image below!!!:)
This peach tree below is doing pretty good. It has discoloration on its leaves which might be caused by spider mites or the solutions I used on it, but rather than that it is good.
This peach tree below looks healthy!
The top leaves of this peach tree below are healthy and perky, but the lower leaves are more droopy and hang down.
This last peach tree below has the same kind of leaves as its brother above it. Its top leaves are perky but its lower leaves hang down.
Because of the spidermites and solutions used to get rid of the spidermites, the apricot tree you can see in the image below has lost a lot of leaves. I think the apricot tree might be trying to grow more leaves though because there are tiny leaves you can't even see growing on the stems of its larger leaves:
3 Big Fuji Apples
The leaves are really healthy and green!
3 Pink Lady Apples
This one below is doing well. The pink fungi is under control now because the spots are not spreading on anymore of its leaves. I put copper soap on the spots and pink spots a while ago, which worked!
This pink lady is growing new leaves. It lost a lot of its previous deceased leaves because of the spidermites and solution I put on its leaves.
This pink lady apple tree is also growing new leaves. It lost a lot of its previous deceased leaves earlier because of the spidermites and solution I put on its leaves.
This plum tree below is my tallest! It is looking pretty healthy. It has had to deal with spidermites, so maybe that is why its leaves are drooping downward a bit.
This fruit tree below is doing good too. Its leaves are more perky, but the edges of a lot of its leaves are damaged, and it has a hole in one of its leaves. I am guessing the spidermites caused the damage on it.
So this plum tree below is cool looking. A while ago the top leaves of this plum tree got cut off, so now it has a Y shape, so two tiny branches growing like a Y instead of just branch/stem growing straight up:)
This plum tree below is doing pretty good. I had to cut off a lot of the tips of its leaves because the tips of its leaves were dying. I hope by helping it like that, that the leaves will not start to die anymore. If they do, I might wash the roots and clean its pot, because it might have root rot.
This last plum tree below is probably my healthiest! Its leaves are really long, green, and healthy!
There are 2 images below of my only one cherry tree sprout! It is slowly growing. At least it is alive! As you can see in the images below it has new tiny leaves maybe starting to grow in the middle where the stem is.
The pomegranate sprouts were all very healthy before I had to put insecticidal soap on their stems and leaves because of the spidermites. Only 2 look alright still, the rest have curled in leaves which doesn't make them look very healthy. Because the spidermites are hopefully gone, they should still live and grow.
This one still looks healthy!
This one is pretty healthy except for its top leaves.
This one below is healthy and is my tallest pomegranate tree right now! You can see how much it has grown past the straw now!
This one below has healthy lower leaves but unhealthy looking top leaves that have curled in.
This one below has straight leaves mixed with unnatural curled in leaves.
This one below looks disgusting because of how crazy its leaves are which are curling in all different directions. I think it will live though because the spider mites are gone, I hope!
Just saying, they are very slow growers. It takes them a very long time just to grow one new leaf.
At least one of its leaves, as you can see in the image below, is growing slightly bigger.
This one below is growing a new stem in the middle of its 3 leaves!
Here are some more super slow growers! They look healthy and green though!
The leaves of this lemon fruit tree sprout below look ridgedy. They have grown a wee bit bigger too, at least. It is also growing a third leaf which you can see in the image below.
I am not rushing the cirtus fruit trees' growth at all. If they naturally grow slow, then that's how I'll let them grow. I am a patient person:)
I actually took this lemon fruit tree out of the soil and put more dirt in its container before placing it in again, so that is why its stem looks longer and why it looks taller. I added fresh new dirt to all of the other citrus fruit tree sprouts too, because their original soil looked dried out and useless.
Thank you for viewing another update on all of these baby fruit trees!!!!:)
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