BIG UPDATE!!!!! See the growth of all of my fruit tree sprouts!!!!!:):)


5 PLUMS. The leaves on all of these plum fruit tree sprouts look green and healthy and they are all growing so well!:

The plum in the big blue container is my tallest plum sprout and the one in the green cup is my shortest plum:)

Below is the apricot fruit tree. It continues to grow and get taller!:)

5 peach fruit tree sprouts:

15 dates:

3 lemons:

This one below is taking its time to grow.

This one below is slowly growing or has died...

4 grapefruits:

This grapefruit below has a large seed poking up out of the ground in the front and a small green leaf also poking out of the ground behind the seed:

This grapefruit sprout below looks funky right now lol

This grapefruit sprout below also looks twisted and funky in the soil lol

3 big fuji apple fruit tree sprouts. They all have super skinny stems:

Cherry. I don't know if my cherry sprout will make it. It is growing super slow!!!!:

6 POMEGRANATES. 5 of them are growing a new stem and leaves. My shortest pomegranate sprout is unraveling its leaves now!!!!:

This short pomegranate sprout is finally unraveling its leaves!!:)

Thank you for viewing this BIG update post on all of my fruit tree sprouts!!!!

I'll continue to update so you can see them as they grow up to become fruit trees!!!!:):)


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