Date sprout trees are doing amazingly well!!!


I am completely impressed by the date sprout trees because they are doing growing extremely well!!!!

IN TOTAL, I have SIXTEEN DATE SPROUTS!!!!!!!:):) which is SO amazing!!!:) The seeds are Medjool date seeds that came from the grocery store and were in date fruit.

This short DATE SPROUT was the last to sprout and so that makes him the BABY of the group!!!:)

This DATE SPROUT is by far the tallest and is 7 inches and 2 centimeters tall now!!!!:) He is growing well in his green container!!!

THANK YOU FOR VIEWING MY BLOG!!!! I really enjoy taking photos of my plants and showing you the growth of these sprouts!!!!:)
I HOPE YOU HAVE lots of success too if you decide to grow your own date sprouts from seeds too!!!


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